On Thursday, December 10th after the 12 Noon Day Mass, the Advent Wreath caught on fire and caused considerable damage to the right sanctuary wall and carpeting. The Columbus Fire Department arrived on the scene securing the fire and placed fans in the building to remove the smoke that filled the Church. Dust and dirt covers the entire nave of the Church.
We give God thanks that no one was injured and grateful that the fire was contained and further damage to the church structure was avoided. As restoration work and cleaning is underway, we welcome any financial support that you can offer at this time. The Community of St Benedict the Moor celebrates the Eucharist daily at the Church Hall on 2935 Ninth Street.
Checks may be made payable to St. Benedict the Moor Church. Thank you for your prayers and generosity. God bless you!
Outreach Ministry reopens in 2021:
The Outreach ministry at St. Benedict the Moor will resume perations as of January 12, 2021. "Hot Take-Out Lunches" will be available on Tuesday, January 12th at 12 Noon.
Masks are required. Lunches are served twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday at 12 Noon unless otherwise noted. We ask our guests to please observe social distancing for your own good and the good of all.
Black History Month: February 2021 During the course of the month of February, there will be a series of events at St. Benedict that will be offered for cultural and faith awareness as we pass down our African-American legacy within family and church community to our children and our children's children.
We also hope to engage all others by embracing and sharing with you, and you with us, what makes us who and whose we are.....particularly, our spirituality, our ancestry, and our revered values as we build a more fraternal and evangelical world together in Jesus' Name.
Vaccination Site: April 2021 St. Benedict the Moor Community Hall will serve as a site for the distribution of the Moderna Vaccine to combat the Corona-19 Virus. Anyone wishing to receive their first shot is asked to call the Church Office at 706- 323- 8300 and register. A date and time will be forthcoming.
We invite our neighbors, friends, church members and anyone wishing to be protected from the VIRUS to please register. Let us all reach--out to anyone who has not yet been vacinated and let them know of the availability of the vacine which will be comin soon to: St. Benedict the Moor Community Hall 2935 9th Street, Columbus, Georgia.
Vacation Bible School for Adults: July 19th-23rd
St. Benedict the Moor will be offering a 5 day series of Biblical Women in the Scriptures. Designed with adults in mind, we will begin with the Samaritan Woman from the Gospel of John 4: 4-42.
The sessions begin with Mass in St. Benedict Church followed by a "light summer lunch" at St. Benedict Community Hall. Pleasebring your favorite Bible and extend an INVITATION to a friend to join us!
Pre-Registration is required to facilitate lunch and supplies.