The documents of the Second Vatican Council make it clear that the "first teachers of faith" of our children are their parents. The Church provides supplementary help in passing down the truths of FAITH as we share what
we believe and teach the prayers and songs of our people. We teach best by modeling our behavior and passing on the Gospel values to the next generation.
The roots of Black Catechesis weigh in that the Black Community is a "pilgrim people, a biblical people, a faith community and a people of vision."
"Catechesis should look more like Church, than school." So what are we looking at? Implications for catechesis in our community are:
1. emphasizes warm, intimate learning experiences, an experience of
2. lively presentations, storytelling, drama, and arts with attention given
to the relationship of message to life.
3. participatory learning where everybody has a role. Relationships in the learning community are taken seriously, the enriches the quality of each session. "We are lifeling learners in the school of Faith."
4. Opportunity for "testifying" gives persons confidence in community,
removes barriers between self, God and others, while it edifies the hearers
5. Openness to spontaneity and God's movement, especially in celebration
and prayer. Less emphasis on printed materials and greater emphasis
on creating a prayerful mood to enter the holy.
6. MISSION for the Black Church is about reshaping the world according to
God's justice. We rededicate ourselves to the work yet to be done before
the Lord's coming.
7. Feeling the presence of the Spirit is given expression in "shouting,"
handclapping, foot-tapping, dancing, handwaving..."